Groups terms

Last updated : March 22, 2021

LecturePress is committed to ensuring the effectiveness of its products for professional customers and businesses by providing groups features in its products targeting user groups and organizations. These terms explain how to create and manage a group in order to acquire and use LecturePress products.

About our groups policy

This groups policy applies on group profiles created to enable members of a family, community, association, organization, business, corporation, governmental or educational institution (each, a “Group”) for accessing and using a volume license of a LecturePress product or service. This policy may be supplemented by additional groups statements, terms or notices provided to you or piblished online. LecturePress that owns or administers the Service, as identified therein, is the primary controller of processing operations and informations related to the Group.

Group creation

A group of users is created as a LecturePress Group profile from the “Groups” page in the account where the user, who is automatically designated as the group administrator, will specify the group credentials (such as name, ID, address, URL, etc.) and send invitations to at least one another user to join the group and become among its members.

The group become active only when it has at least two members and one administrator among them. They can be members of a family, association, business, governmental or educational institution, or any other collectivity of people having common interests in using a Service.

Group members and roles

Members of a group are in two types :

  • Users : are all basic users in the group, they have in the group the capabilities listed below :
    • Editing the User’s group profile and credentials.
    • Requesting a license key.
    • Sending invitations to other LecturePress account holders to join the group.
    • Granted access through the group’s active volume licenses to all subscribed services.
  • Administrators : are users responsibles for doing administrative tasks on behalf of the group members. In addition to the roles of the basic user, they have within the group the capabilities listed below :
    • Membership requests management : by accepting/declining users.
    • Enabling/disabling group membership request.
    • Enabling/disabling group membership invitation.
    • Editing the Group profile and credentials, such as : renaming the group, changing the address, etc.
    • Closing or removing the group.
    • Group account balance management : recharging the account balance, paying for volume products.
    • Volume license management : acquiring, activating, renewal, upgrading/downgrading, and cancelling a volume license.
    • Volume license key distribution.
    • Volume license key restriction and revocation from a specific user.
    • Volume license customizing : upgrading/downgrading the license features set, number of authorized users or authorized devices per user.
    • Users management : inviting and accepting new users, restricting user access, removing and blocking users.
    • Administrators management : designating a user as an administrator, downgrading an administrator to user.

Group naming and credentials

An administrator is free to choose and change the name of the group. This name must represent the identity of the members’s organization, and avoid misrepresent or infringe the identity of other organizations. Also there are reserved names that can not be used as a group’s name.

The administrator must provide accurate and complete group registration information. He is responsible to inform LecturePress of any changes to that information. 

Group membership

The group creator is automatically designed as the group administrator. He could in any time : designate other users as administrators, be downgraded to a user, and be redesigned as a group administrator. But he can not be downgraded when he is the only remaining administrator.

The group membership can be requested by any holder of an active LecturePress account who has the group ID or the key of an active volume license within the group.

By clicking the “join” button or by using that license key in the activation process, a membership request is sent along with the user profile’s public data to the group administrator for reviewing.

A group administrator is responsible for administrating the group by accepting, declining or blocking users requests for activating the license in their accounts to prevent violations such as key leaks and license abuse.

Group management

The group management tasks are done by any administrator of the group.

A group administrator is responsible on behalf of its group for acquiring the volume license, receiving the license key from LecturePress and delivering it to the members of his group.

Group deletion

The group deletion can be done by any group administrator, it is an irreversible task that will delete the group data and will cancel all its linked licenses (active and reserved).

Afterwards, the group id will be free and available to be used for any new created group, but the licenses will remain cancelled and not available for using until their expiration dates.

If a group remains without an active license for more than 30 days, it will be deleted automatically by LecturePress.

Licenses of the group

Each volume license within the group grants access to the corresponding service for all members of the group.

This access will be denied when the user lost his group membership.